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Mainland Tour Honduras


The Jewels of Yojoa Lake

Christopher Mellage, March 28 2023

A focal point for travelers that enjoy birdwatching, tropical nature in general, and water sports, the Lake Yojoa is a refreshing destination for your Honduran vacation. Bordered by two mountain ranges, the Cerro Azul Meambar at 5,600 ft and the Santa Barbara Mountain at 9,000 ft, the shores of the lake offer a variation of ecosystems of both...

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Omega Lodge, La Ceiba

Christopher Mellage, February 13 2023

An experience we will not forget! Having finally passed thru Ceiba in crawling traffic and funneled over the narrow bridge that withstood the recent storm we started the climb along the Cangrejal river. At first almost level with it, the road slowly rose high above the river gorge between the La Cordillera Nombre de Dios mountain range allowing a...

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